The CCSA was delighted to host a Member Showcase with GaffneyCline on Thursday 25th January 2024.
These member-only online events feature presentations by members and offer the opportunity for members to showcase their company and activities to the wider CCSA membership, as well as providing a forum for networking.
This Member Showcase was presented by Drew Powell, GaffneyCline’s CCS Projects’ Director in the UK covering CCS projects in the EMEA region.
GaffneyCline has undertaken over 20 due diligence studies of CCS projects, including key projects in the UK and North Sea, considering either an entire CCS project from capture to sequestration (e.g. for an investor or a Regulator) or the component parts of a CCS project such as sequestration alone (for an Emitter Group). GaffneyCline has therefore significant experience in the technical and commercial due diligence of CCS projects, the salient points being covered in this presentation.
Global and regional CCS project development is expanding rapidly with many projects progressing to and beyond FID. The numerous CCS projects required to meet European and Middle Eastern commitments on Net Zero generally, and carbon capture and sequestration in particular means there are many nascent developments in early stages of technical progress, commonly referred to as Appraise, Assess and Define stages, or stage gates. Emitter groups and sequestration project owners are aligning themselves on single overall CCS projects, requiring technical and commercial due diligence of the component elements of each overall CCS project. GaffneyCline is a global consultancy in the energy sector, providing techno-commercial advice to clients that include energy producers, industrial companies, financial institutions, governments and more.
A recording of the session can be viewed here and the slides are available below.