CCS4G Symposium 2024 – Super-Critical Implementation
A symposium on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) for Geoscientists
The CCS Surge: Are You Ready to Be Part of the Solution?
With the global race to net zero accelerating, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is rapidly transitioning from the drawing boards to project delivery. In 2023 alone, dozens of new CCS geological storage licenses were issued worldwide. Today across the globe a record number of projects are on the runway for FID (financial investment decision). This rapid growth presents a significant opportunity for geoscientists in our community to re-purpose their skills and expertise to apply them in what is the biggest issue of our generation.
In many ways the CCS world with its wells, reservoirs and sealing cap-rocks will be familiar to GESGB members. However, in other ways it is quite different. The twin necessities of driving down costs and ensuring long-term public safety will demand collaboration and openness like never before.
Following the success of previous years and in response to demand from the membership, the third one-day symposium from the GESGB will delve into the exciting geo-technical challenges and opportunities of geological CO2 storage, helping to equip attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this rapidly evolving field.
Don’t miss this chance to be at the forefront of the CCS revolution and take your next step towards a sustainable future.
For more information and to register, please click here.