
CO2nnecting Europe Conference – Managing cross-chain risks in CCUS

The CCSA is partnering with CO2 Hub Europe and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the CO2nnecting Europe Conference – Managing cross-chain risks in CCUS.

The CO₂nnecting Europe Conference 2025 brings together the entire CCS value chain in and around Denmark to tackle a vital question: How do we transition from a public-funded, policy-driven industry to a market-driven value chain that boosts industrial competitiveness and supports Europe’s net-zero ambitions?

Key questions to be explored include:
• How can we scale carbon markets to make the price of CO₂ a real driver for change?
• What is needed to create commercial CO₂ frameworks that ensure economic sustainability?
• How can we build trust and attract investment through public-private partnerships?
• What are the best approaches for cross-border collaboration on CO₂ infrastructure?

With representatives from industry, infrastructure operators, policymakers, and innovators, the conference delivers actionable answers to these challenges. Together, we will shape the development of CCS as a cornerstone of Europe’s green economy.

CCSA Members enjoy a 30% discount if they register through this link: https://co2hubeurope.nemtilmeld.dk/2/sa-l9HrnyzFPo/ 

The conference is organized in collaboration between CO2 Hub Europe and Invest in Denmark in partnership with Carbon Capture & Storage Association. Sponsored by PwC.

Contact information: CO2 Hub Europe, email: peter@co2hubeurope.dk, telephone: +45 2046 4587