
CCSA comments on the Energy Bill – House of Lords vote on Ofgem’s duties to have regard to meeting net zero

18 April 2023, London

In response to yesterday’s vote in the House of Lords on the Energy Bill, Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive at the CCSA commented:

“We are delighted to see that the House of Lords voted in favour of updating Ofgem’s duties to include a specific requirement to have regard to meeting the UK’s net zero target. The CCUS industry has been pushing for this amendment alongside other low-carbon energy trade associations – working together to ensure the regulator is empowered to put net zero at the heart of their decisions.

This amendment will be particularly critical for CCUS, to enable the roll-out and expansion of significant CO2 infrastructure this decade – to ensure we can meet the Government’s ambition of capturing and storing 20-30 million tonnes of CO2 per year by 2030 which will be essential if we are to remain on the path to Net Zero.”



For media enquiries please contact Judith Shapiro/ judith.shapiro@ccsassociation.org or Joe Butler-Trewin/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org