Become A Member


Members Benefits


Ensure your voice is heard by government, media and other organisations. Membership offers the opportunity to be influential in key CCUS policy developments in the UK, EU and internationally.


Keep up to date with CCUS developments through our daily and weekly news bulletins. These also provide a summary of CCSA activities as well as signposting to upcoming important meetings.


Networking with a wide range of companies across the CCUS industry at working group meetings and events. This offers the opportunity to benchmark with other member companies, find new partners and grow your business.


Access to members’ only areas of this website; including CCSA briefing documents and working group meetings and resources.


Save money with members discounts at CCSA events and external supported events, as well as free attendance at all our working group meetings.


Benefit from the professional CCUS expertise of the CCSA’s staff and support services.

“The CCSA gives us the opportunity to speak with a clear and coherent voice from the CCS industry to government and other stakeholders. Our views are respected and we receive clear advice on all the latest regulatory and technical developments.”

Tony Tarrant, Wood Plc

“The value the association delivers from networking opportunities to shaping policy for the industry is exceptional. I could not rate their professionalism and expertise more highly and look forward to their continued support.”

Aniruddha Sharma, Carbon Clean

“Sharing knowledge with peers across the CCUS industry and collaborating to deliver is vitally important if CCUS is to realise its potential to help the world meet its carbon reduction targets. The CCSA helps us at bp to connect with a wide range of partners in industry, government and society who share our goals and aspirations.”

Andy Lane, Net Zero Teesside

Find out about CCSA Membership
To find out more about membership please complete this enquiry form and the membership team will be in contact shortly.
If you are a contact of an existing CCSA Member company and you are looking to engage with our work, please complete this short form.
Please note we only offer membership for companies and organisations not individuals. If you are an individual and you want to keep up-to-date with our work you can sign up to our weekly newsletter for stakeholders and non-members here.