
CCUS 2022: ‘Time to Deliver’ showcases huge appetite for CCUS across Industry and Government

27th October 2022, London – Last week the Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA) held its annual two-day conference ‘CCUS 2022: Time to Deliver’. This year’s conference saw leaders of the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) industry – technology developers, end-users, governments and regulators, research, legal and financial sectors – address over 400 delegates about latest developments in this rapidly evolving sector.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive at the CCSA, said: “It was a great pleasure to see so many industry experts, NGOs and policy leaders at our conference, discussing key actions that are needed in the UK, EU and internationally to enable CCUS to play its vital role in tackling climate change and driving economic growth, through transitioning our industrial regions to Net Zero.”

“I would like to thank all our delegates, speakers, and conference sponsors for helping to not only make this event possible but for championing CCUS on a daily basis by moving forward with their plans. Industry leaders are investing millions of pounds of capital to ensure we are on track to decarbonise our economy in line with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°c.  We now need to see decisive action from the new Prime Minister to maintain the UK’s lead in this area by putting in place the legislation and funding the cluster sequencing programme to make this industry a reality.”

The conference was sponsored by 13 companies from across the CCUS value chain, including platinum sponsors SSE Thermal, GE and Equinor as well as Carbon Clean sponsoring the conference drinks reception. Speakers at the conference included environmental experts such as founder and Chair of the Centre for Climate Recovery at Cambridge and Climate Crisis Action Group, Sir David King; Chair of the Energy Transitions Commission, Lord Adair Turner and Chair of the Government’s Energy Digitalisation Taskforce and member of the CCUS Council, Laura Sandys. Industrial leaders such as Valborg Lundegaard, CEO of Aker Carbon Capture and Paul Marsden, President of Bechtel Energy also addressed delegates – laying out their plans for implementation of CCUS, including investment in the UK.

The conference also heard from Graham Stuart, Minister of State for Climate, who spoke about the important role CCUS has to play in delivering the government’s Net Zero strategy, saying “Deploying CCUS technology is not only an intelligent way of reaching Net Zero, it is vital.”

“By transforming sectors like cement and chemicals, we’ll create low carbon, super place clusters up and down the country and our important heavy industries won’t wither on the vine and die but find new life in a decarbonised world. That’s why deploying CCUS and hydrogen technology at scale formed an important part of the growth plan we announced in September.”



For media enquiries please contact Judith Shapiro/ judith.shapiro@ccsassociation.org or Joe Butler-Trewin/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org