The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP26 in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021

The Carbon Capture and Storage Association is a registered Business NGO at COP26 and is involved in a number of activities in partnership with other organisations:

  • EU Pavilion side event on the 1st NovemberPolicy, business, and social challenges for carbon dioxide removals and carbon capture & storage
  • UNFCCC (blue zone) side event on the 11th NovemberCarbon Capture and Storage – Decarbonisation of Industries in Non-Annex 1 and Annex-1 Countries
  • Virtual exhibit on CCUS for the duration of COP26

Below you will find information about Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS); including videos and publications – as well as a list of all CCUS-related events taking place at COP26 (this list will be continuously updated in the run-up to and during COP26).

If you want to find out more about CCUS projects in Europe, please visit the ZEP CCS/CCU market-ready projects map.

Check out the CCSA on twitter and LinkedIn and remember to tag #CCUSatCOP26!

CCUS Events at COP26

01 Nov
CCUS Project Network/Global CCS Institute (GCCSI)/South Pole “Net zero and beyond: how carbon removal and reduction technologies champion climate targets”

Virtual event – register here.

01 Nov
CCSA/ZEP/ LANDMARC, NEGEM, and OceanNETS, C4U (CCS) the GENIE (ERC Synergy grant) “Policy, business, and social challenges for carbon dioxide removals and carbon capture & storage”

Watch here:


  • The event was moderated by Siobhan Hall and began with an introduction from Fabien Ramos from European Commission
  • A panel debate followed this, focussed on two themes:
    • Social engagement and challenges, uncertainties
    • Business case and policies
  • The panel featured a variety of speakers including Graeme Sweeney, Milan Elkerbout, Eise Spijker, Floris Swennenhuis and Kati Koponen
  • The issue of public acceptance, social license to operate and just transition was highlighted by many of the speakers, with a recommendation that the public should be considered a key stakeholder right from the outset
  • Speakers also raised the need for coordination by Government with regard to the plethora of policies that relate to CCUS, as well as coordination between Government, industry and society
  • The importance of monitoring and verification was also highlighted
  • The panel discussed the need for appropriate incentive mechanisms for CCUS – CCSA CEO Ruth Herbert emphasised that a combination of upfront capital and visibility over long-term funding is key
  • Many of the speakers felt that a mechanism such as a carbon contract for difference could work well
  • In conclusion, speakers agreed that CCUS is a vital solution to achieving climate goals – particularly for hard-to-abate sectors such as cement and steel
01 Nov
SCCS/NZTC “Destination Net Zero: Technology Driving Transition” Part 1

Watch here:


  • Taking the negative perception of oil and gas and us it to become the solution of the future
  • Technology will be critical to be a net zero society, and for this to be a just transition
  • The Net Zero Technology Centre, brings together technology centres from across the world: resource noted of 78Gtonne for CCS, gas with CCS will be significant in 2050 for overall power demand
  • Integration between workforce and technology is going to be critical
  • We must increase CCUS efficiency rapidly
  • IDRIC: technology is mission critical, and collaboration is key, policy and technology go alongside each other along with the industrial decarbonisation challenge
  • IDRIC: must accelerate the transition and solution to clusters, whole systems approach at the regional cluster level, skills for the future also important for this to happen, opportunities for 2nd wave of projects soon with IDRIC
  • Key message: why do we need to work together, so much common opportunity
02 Nov
EIC/Mott MacDonald “Capturing carbon from air and emissions”

In-person event – register here.

02 Nov
SCCS/ NZTC “Destination Net Zero: Technology Driving Transition” Part 2

Watch here:


  • Integrating systems (wind/storage/pipelines), SCCS discussing the recent linked paper on carbon take back obligation.
  • 2 takeaway slides to look at highlighted below (Fig. 1 and 2)
  • OGA: Data and digital, new technologies will be key, important to visualise and optimize the data revolution
  • Offshore system integration between electrons and molecules
  • Need to achieve lowest societal cost for the energy transition
  • CSIRO: discussing the Northern Australia Low Emissions Hub
  • SCCS: CO2 storage assessment need for a storage database, storage security calculator
  • Discussion of the acorn project, looking at hydrogen geological storage aswell
  • Create a CO2 storage market, carbon take back obligation, producers must be liable for the storage of carbon, a law to recycle carbon, discussion around this paper:–carbon-takeback-obligation-will-shape-affordable-reliable-and-rapid-climate-action
  • Re-using oil and gas infrastructure, offshore pipelines, re-purpose gas grid

Hydrogen can be run through the methane pipes

03 Nov
Viridor roundtable “Reducing, recycling, and reusing: How the waste sector can help the world reach net zero”

In-person event – Glasgow

03 Nov
IETA “Carbon Removals and Compliance Markets: Enabling the ‘Net’ in ‘Net-Zero'”

In person event (IETA Business Hub)

03 Nov
SCCS/NZTC “Destination Net Zero: Technology Driving Transition Global Summit”

Watch here:


  • The International Technology Centre Partners will provide a collaborative study with the results for COP27 next year comparing technology priorities across regions and highlight areas where innovation can be utilised to drive the transition to an integrated net zero energy future. This will provide the vision and direction needed to close technology gaps and help define a clear path to net zero.
  • Academics, scientist, industry, and government must work together
  • UK half our emissions but double our economy, taking the public with us on this challenge
  • The energy transition will be a revolution, CCS will be critical in this transition and the energy revolution
  • Gas and CCS to compensate for renewables intermittency is going to be critical
  • Long duration energy storage is very important
  • Sharing infrastructure between offshore wind, CCS and O&G
  • Different clusters will have different priorities and we will need to adapt to this
  • CO2 and Carbon are different, this needs to be remembered, we will be utilising carbon from CO2
  • Super places, will give us the infrastructure and the skills and we need to avoid duplication of efforts, sharing tangible opportunities
  • Energy transition will be underpinned by a skills transition, how we are taking this forward is crucial in the year ahead
  • Looking at different models (business, standards) and brining these together for guidance and development of new models
  • Roadmap, risk and deploy, collaboration on this is key
  • Oil & Gas Emissions and Action: digitalisation is key, O&G has a role to play, and will be at the heart of the energy transition
04 Nov
EIC/Wood. “The North Sea: An Area in Transition “

In-person event – register here.

04 Nov
Carbon Clean site visit – CycloneCC Carbon Capture technology

In-person event (Glasgow) – register here.

04 Nov
Sintef “The role of CCS in reaching net zero by 2050”

Watch here:


  • Support for DACCS and BECCS and the need for CCUS infrastructure to develop them
  • What we’re trying to do at COP26 is combat climate change whilst maintaining standard of living in developed world and improve standard of living in developing world
    • CCUS allows us to do that – it buys us time to decarbonise and find alternative sources of energy
  • $50/tonne in US and EU ETS – importance of developing a carbon market.
  • GGRs are in addition to other forms of decarbonisation – and not instead of them
  • Some disagreement on the panel on whether carbon credits should stay within national borders or not. e.g., there are some geologies that will be better at CCUS than others e.g. Japan can’t get to net zero on its own, but why can’t it buy negative
04 Nov
International CCS Knowledge Centre/MLT Aikins LLP “Tackling CO2 Emissions Goals with large-scale carbon capture & storage”

Virtual event – register here.

04 Nov
IPIECA “Contributing to a net-zero future: the crucial role of technology and partnerships for the energy transition and a sustainable future for all”

In-person event (IETA Business Hub)

05 Nov
Bellona/Centre for Energy Policy/Aldersgate Group “Just Transition for High Carbon Industry”

Hybrid event (Bellona Pavilion) – event will be live-streamed here.

05 Nov
Carbon Clean site visit – CycloneCC Carbon Capture technology

In-person event (Glasgow) – register here.

06 Nov
CO2GeoNet/CCEIA “Accelerating Along the Pathway to Net-Zero with Large Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal and Storage”

Hybrid event – Glasgow (Skomer – Multimedia Studio 2)
Access here

08 Nov
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies “Transitioning to Net Zero: CCUS and the role of oil and gas producing countries”

Discussed paper can be found here:

Paul Zakkour from Carbon Counts

  • Discussed a CSU-based mechanism, proposed carbon capture storage unit – common metric (Fig. 3 and 4)
  • Address Carbon market short comings, creates physical CO2 market and Subsidies needed to get early projects off the ground, getting value for sequestered carbon
    • A mechanism for CCS in the post Paris era (here):
    • Progressive supply side policy under the Paris agreement to enhance geological carbon capture (here):

Ahmed Al-Khuwaiter from Saudi Aramco

  • CCUS is a key lever to meet climate goals and CCUS is a necessity
  • Discussed enabling CCUS Deployment (Fig. 5)

Lee Beck from Clean Air Taskforce

  • Climate policy primary driver of technology deployment
  • Bi-partisan infrastructure bill passed is a victory for CCUS (Fig. 6)


  • Capacity for CO2 storage: numbers in the public to go up dramatically
  • Countries round the world, where’s their CO2 going, big emphasis on saline aquifer storage
  • There is not a one size fits all for carbon capture, different technologies, different price points, different tailored support, different industry incentives
  • Confident of CO2 CCUS will work as expected: it must work, impossible to decarbonise without these technologies. This is proven technology, more reliable than any other means of CO2 removal
  • UK announcement on CCS projects: concerned about the cancellation of the projects 5 years ago, significant work needs done, offshore storage is expensive. Need to make it big enough in the UK, not dribs and drabs, got the information and the will, challenging is the business model and some of the money, push has got to be the commercialization and business models, whole web of contractors, a lot of work for lawyers to work on the contracts
08 Nov
Bellona “The realistic deployment potential of carbon dioxide removal”

Watch here:

NEGEM presentation part 1 (Kati Koponen)

  • Mostly spoken about the realistic potential for deployment of Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs)
  • Last week at another event on NETs, the public were asked their views on the main challenges. Two key themes emerged; economics of NETs and the lack of EU political structures for NETs

Myles Allen

  • Talked about the need to develop a market for offsets
  • Need to understand the baseline against which emissions reductions will be measured
  • Need simple definitions of offsets
  • Need to create classes of offsets, to distinguish between short-term and long-term storage
  • We have to stop climate change before the world stops using fossil fuels – we don’t have time to wait

NEGEM presentation part 2 (Wolfgang Lucht)

  • Much more critical about NETs, particularly the need to ensure it doesn’t take away from renewables or result in a reduction in mitigation efforts
  • Introduced the concept of planetary boundaries and how NETs impact on this (particularly as land use is already going beyond the limit of planetary boundaries
  • How can we reduce pressure on planetary boundaries and make trade-offs. Biochar is one solution here

General Points

  • In the discussion, there was much criticism of Drax, with Wolfgang stating that the Drax project is dangerous and actually emits more CO2 from burning biomass than it would from burning coal. Question of where and when the biomass grows back
  • Myles Allen stated that if the Drax project was the price we have to pay to build CCS infrastructure then we need to accept compromises. However, he stated that the Carbon Takeback obligation is a better solution
  • emissions from another country – to create a new industry in another country
08 Nov
Climate Strategies “What is the role of carbon capture and storage in climate mitigation?”

Watch here:

Ruth Herbert CCSA CEO (chair)

  • CDR and NETS (negative emission technologies)
  • CCS is not an option it is a necessity

Kiane de Kleijne

  • CCS and CDR emission pathways limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, 3 out 4 have CCS and the one that does not has drastic CDR
  • Steel industry and basic oxygen furnace gas (BOFG), CO2 storage in urea production

Matthias Honegger

  • NET-Rapido: negative emission technologies-readiness assessment, policy instrument design, options for governance and dialogue
  • Twenty years of BECCS- a short retrospective (on the net-Rapido blog)
  • Key message: carbon removal is key mitigation of climate change
  • CCS is key element of this mitigation, step change, recognition of this need
  • 6 necessary functions for CDR Policy: clarity on the intended for CDR mitigation (Fig. 7)

Hanna-Mari Ahonen

  • Carbon neutral Nordic region, be more than their own region, be part of the global transformation
  • Finance for NETs (Fig. 8)
  • Carbon markets for a source of NETs

Vincent de Gooyert

  • CCS in steel industry, Netherlands and Belgium border, C4U
  • Societal readiness for CCS
  • Interests of different stakeholders and how different stakes are interrelated
  • When do you have a just transition, industry puts in enough money
  • Danger and an opportunity, CCS can be an aligner of goals, aligns our interests, make it work for all stakeholders involved
  • Reach effective climate actions we need to understand societal readiness, recognise how different stakeholder interests are interrelated and mutually influence each other


  • All different dimensions, cross border issues, societal readiness, government arrangements, one policy to shift the dial in your area
    • Kiane: Working on life cycle assessments, implementing them in different sectors, CCUS not just CCS, very important to look at entire life cycle, utilisation, unclear of who has avoided the emission of the CO2
    • Matthias: full on implementation of the Paris agreement, public pressure, scrutiny that brings life into hard to understand issues, public pressure and transparency
    • Hannah: where is the momentum coming from in Nordic regions, the scale in these regions, sectoral roadmaps in those sectors will become clearer, how do you need to get to net zero, it becomes a necessity, when it is less abstract this is a lot clearer
    • Ruth: Getting on and implanting early projects, what can be done in heavy industry, regions opportunity to become zero carbon
    • Vincent: increase trust, is key in making it a virtuous cycle, to address such things of why taxpayer money going to industry, how do we achieve more trust, early involvement of the public, on a project base, more steps to be made in informing the public, implications of CCS, on a project base and looking at the alternatives and engaging with the public, trust and necessary conditions to make steps forward
08 Nov
SSE Thermal “Future Focused Flexibility”

In-person event – Glasgow

08 Nov
Government of Kenya/Thunderbird School of Global Management/Ocean Visions “Scaling Carbon Removal Worldwide to Achieve Paris Agreement and Beyond”

Hybrid event (Nature4Climate Pavilion) – event will be live-streamed here.

09 Nov
MHI “From carbon capture to carbon ecosystem: building the new green economy”

Watch here


  • Moderated by Claire Curry, Bloomberg New Energy Finance; Kentaro Hosomi, MHI EMEA; Clare Harbord, Drax; David Parkin, Progressive Energy; Sanjay Tugnait, IBM


  • Lots of discussion on UK and need to get first projects up and running. Also good to see progress on track 2 announced this week. Next steps – business models and establish price control mechanisms for CCUS infrastructure RAB model
  • Discussion on global carbon price and whether this could be enough to support CCUS. David Parkin stated that once the carbon price is high enough, CCUS infrastructure will start to pay for itself. But we can’t wait for that (hard for industries to remain competitive in a global market) so Governments need to implement additional support structures (examples from other countries include the SDE ++ mechanism in The Netherlands and the 45Q mechanism in the US)
  • Kentaro Hosomi from MHI stated that MHI is very active in the UK at the moment and hopes that the UK’s business models for CCUS represents a support structure that can be replicated globally
  • Some speakers spoke about the fact that there is no silver bullet, however David Parkin stated that “hydrogen isn’t far off”. We need to do blue hydrogen now (with CCUS) to develop the infrastructure, then progressively bleed in green hydrogen later (as we don’t have time to wait for green hydrogen to be ready; “we will have fried the planet by then”)
  • Sanjay Tugnait from IBM spoke about the CO2NNEX platform which was launched earlier this year by MHI and IBM (more info here)
  • A great quote at the end from Sanjay “if you want to go fast, you go alone. If you want to go far, you go together”.
09 Nov
UK Universities Innovation Showcase “Decreasing CO2 in the atmosphere: solutions from technology and nature”

Watch here

Key takeaway: we need nature-based solutions and technology-based solutions such as CCS and DACCS to work together

Kirsty Lynch, Head of project communications at Storegga (introduction)

  • Problems we are facing, not just about the solutions, it is about how we work together, critical that industry works with innovation and academic research centres, both on nature based and technological solutions
  • Acorn project, carbon capture infrastructure needs built as quick as possible to make 2030 targets

Q&A Session Highlights

  • Kirsty Lynch, positive timeframe on DACCS, bring largest DACCS to UK, Carbon engineering, half million tonnes of CO2 from atmosphere, CCS from industry sources, sensible place to start as not expensive, but no luxury of time, no longer an option to say do this first, capturing CO2 from flue stacks, CCS projects need to be in existence, so DACCS plants can be beside these transportation and storage sites, get CO2 into stores, benefit and bonus of DACCS
  • Gov should be investing more in both technology and nature-based solutions
  • Offset market needs series addressing
  • Kirsty Lynch: CCS defence, isn’t just about oil and gas, cement/steel, difficult to reduce CO2 emissions, want to see these industries continue in the future, important to bring industries along with the discussion, IAE, most cost effective and quickest way, CCS that reuses infrastructure, millions of tonnes of CO2 permanently stored, scale and timeframe to deal with these emissions
  • Verification point and longevity of storage of nature-based solutions, buys us time, behaviour change piece is big too
  • Difficult to get people engaged on this (CCS), academic substance on rewilding, communities involved
  • CCS industries learn by involving people a lot more, bring people in and get them engaged, reaching out more than we have done in the past
  • Time duration of storage, values on different solutions, price on different solutions
  • Net zero targets, sustainably manage nature-based solutions, co-benefits of nature-based solutions
  • DACCS, experience that more and more companies from a diverse sector have interest in this space, easy to verify CO2 storage, taking companies of brand names, change the way people care about products and brands, speeds up this process, investment needs to be now, big brand names looking at this technology and investment


  • Not to give up, having honest and verifiable conversation, geologically and nature-based solutions, ready and be there with the information to back up
  • Change and evolution in CCS from research base and evidence base, cluster approach, stronger approach from 10 years ago, because of the work in the innovation space, your work is important, and it has to continue
  • We need to back every horse in the beginning, we need a diverse portfolio of mitigation solutions
09 Nov
Sintef “The North Sea as a springboard for the green transition”

Watch here

First panel was focused mostly on offshore wind and the challenge of space limitation, utilisation in the North Sea, with the following advice:

3 Key messages for green transition

  1. Fivefold increase in education, research and innovation investment is needed now (applies to CCS)
  2. North Sea countries must collaborate – export thinking and knowledge to each other as well as worldwide
  3. Take care of nature and biodiversity – North Sea transition will be a large energy scale up, so we need to protect biodiversity and nature in the process.

Lighthouse initiative project highlighted

  • Developing offshore grids and floating wind – not fixed to the seabed so releases space for other activities – can place them further out to sea than the fishing taking place.
  • Would like to make reality 2050 scale up, could be economical by 2030
  • Key points on need for all renewable technologies in the transition and scale up of technologies required now

Second Panel

Sian Loyd Rees from Aker offshore Wind

  • Sector deal has been created to accelerate the transition of the North Sea – skills and knowledge is already available from oil and gas sector so this needs to be utilised
  • Integrated energy approach is the way forward
  • Collaboration is key driver for innovation
  • Developed countries need to drive down the cost of net zero solutions in order to allow the most successful technologies to come to the forefront – can then offer more efficient cheaper solution to poorer countries

Federick Hauge Founder of Bellona

  • Norway has lots of stranded gas and expensive decommissioning costs
  • Best way to use offshore wind is to add hydrogen production alongside – this will be the cheapest way to produce hydrogen and make use of stranded gas for ammonia production with offshore wind use
  • Growing seaweed farms on offshore wind platforms in Norway which addresses the biodiversity
  • The future is emission free future not a fossil free future –
  • very pro blue hydrogen – Still believes there is a role for green hydrogen with electricity but need to use them for the correct applications that makes the most of them. E.g., Get 5x more hydrogen using gas than green hydrogen
  • Biggest roadblock for development and scale up is policy – it’s too slow compared to the development in tech
  • Need to build a demand and supply side – in order to do this, need to develop the supply chains and transport
09 Nov
Oxford Net Zero “Carbon Takeback: Applying the principles of ‘producer responsibility’ to the fossil fuel industry”

Watch here:


  • Margriet Kuijper explained the concept of a Carbon Takeback Obligation (CTBO) and its potential acceptability to different stakeholders
  • Myles Allen presented results from a newly published study comparing the costs of a global CTBO with conventional mitigation scenarios
  • Katherine Romanak discussed monitoring required for safe and permanent CO2 disposal at scale
  • Lee Beck from the Clean Air Task Force and Marjolein Demmers from Natuur & Milieu on Q&A

Professor Myles Allen, Director of Oxford Net Zero, University of Oxford

  • We can’t only rely on carbon take back obligation as wouldn’t drive down demand fast enough to start with, because the policy itself is too cheap
  • Introduce Carbon Takeback Obligation, reduce the risk non-economic risk of CCS deployment (i.e., we can’t build it fast enough)
  • Backstop measure to make sure we get to net zero even if we fail to bring down demand fast enough, have it beside demand side measures

Dr Katherine Romanak, Research Scientist, University of Texas at Austin

  • CCS gives somewhere safe and secure to put our emissions
  • USA 20 years of CCS storage and research and development
  • Extensive risk assessment with modelling, design, and monitor, including biosphere and environment
  • The regulations are in place and insures environmental protection
  • Everything is in place. CCS is ready for deployment, it is not a unicorn technology, we are established, we know that it works, its effective, its safe by design
  • Only technology that can provide large scale permanent reductions in CO2 emissions, and we need to get on with it


  • Another policy in the toolkit to get away from fossil fuel usage, with fossil fuels pay for their own waste, hand problems back to the fuel suppliers
  • Mechanism is not an excuse to continue fossil fuel production
  • Lee Beck: Impossible to decarbonise without CCS, CTBO ties well into what is the future of fossil, encourage this debate, CTBO is one policy option.
09 Nov
Global CCS Institute (GCCSI) “Reaching Climate Neutrality: Carbon Capture and Storage in the Green Transition”

In-person event (IETA Business Hub)

10 Nov
IEA GHG/University of Texas at Austin/Bellona “Carbon Capture and Storage in Emerging Economies: CCS in Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Indonesia, and India”

Hybrid event (Bellona Pavilion) – event will be live-streamed here.

11 Nov
CCSA/IEA GHG/University of Texas at Austin/Bellona/International CCS Knowledge Centre “Carbon Capture and Storage – Decarbonisation of Industries in Non-Annex 1 and Annex-1 Countries”


Watch on YouTube

Read the official IISD Coverage


  • Key takeaway, you need storage first, prove up storage as initial activity (Fig. 9)
  • Tim Dixon (IEAGHG): Safe and Secure storage: we have CCS specific regulations i.e., London Protocol; CCUS has a 25% role in faster innovation case (net Zero by 2050); Retrofittable of CCS and hard to abate sectors
  • Do we have enough projects, no we do not, a lot of countries on the map that have not started CCS, look beyond immediate political horizons; UK support to CCS Centres of Excellence, help to inform governments on CCS, inform government policy
  • Jennifer Wilcox (US DOE Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary): Committed infrastructure to last beyond mid-century; need for near term focus on CDR in addition to point source capture; CDR a tool that balances truly hard to abate sectors; develop and deploy CCS and CDR to meet that challenge; launched two initiatives on CDR, earth shot and mission innovations challenge
  • Ruth Herbert (CCSA): CCUS no longer an option, it is essential and reaches hardest to abate sectors; CCUS is crucial for survival of industrial heartlands
  • Tim Dixon (IEAGHG): “CCSA deserves credit for showing how it can be done, how it can be delivered, and working with the government on the development of policies and business models, plaudits to CCSA”
  • Katherine Romanak (University of Texas at Austin): CCS geological storage is safe by design; carbon storage atlas, everyone needs to get on the path to ccs
  • Eivind Berstad (Bellona): Can’t find any scenario to net zero without CCS; all industries in all countries need access to store CO2; comparing CCS to sewage systems, we need to clean up our cities, 45Q type model in USA.
11 Nov
Hydrogen Transition Summit


  • Rod Christie, Executive Vice President, Baker Hughes; Dr Emmanouil Kakaras, Executive VP NEXT Energy Business, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; David Caine, Partner ERM; Dr Fiona Simon, CEO, Australia Hydrogen Council; Raphaël Schoentgen, CEO, Hydrogen Advisors


  • Need support for end users of hydrogen to bridge funding gaps
  • Energy storage is needed and will be vital
  • What will underpin economics across all climate technologies will be carbon pricing
  • First investments are needed now in order to scale up and then hydrogen market will follow
  • The economics for green and blue hydrogen are going to be quite different – getting these both established, including infrastructure development will then drive supply chain, optimise and bring costs down
  • Major key point throughout is the need for political will to create markets
  • In terms of a roadmap for hydrogen, key points were made on focusing on who the offtaker will be and who is going to pay
  • Quote of the talk from Emmanouil Kakaras – MIH “The technology is there – we don’t need to research – we need to execute”
11 Nov
China CCUS Committee/Guangdong CCUS Centre “International Collaboration Opportunities for CCUS in China”


  • CCUS growing on the agenda in China; 2023 offshore storage in China
  • CCS international innovation is critical for pushing the technology forward to tackle climate change
  • China has a huge potential for cost reduction
  • Biomass, not much available in China, but use it with CCS
  • Do some work where you can collaborate, open access, knowledge to share
  • US and China collaboration discussed
  • Ruth Herbert: work across the value chain, industry and sectors, development of industrial clusters around the UK, build on collaboration between the UK and China
12 Nov
Zero Carbon Humber: Lunchtime session on Industrial Decarbonisation

Watch here

Dan Sadler: Equinor

  • Perfect combination now of policy & legislation, business models & regulation, public & private funding, government selections & negotiation
  • HMT: the affordability envelope is the missing piece at the moment
  • Urgency and time has changed, now have a net zero target, no hiding in the 2020s

Chris Newitt: National Grid Ventures

  • Parallel pipeline solution, options around decarbonisation, value for money for UK plc
  • Continuous community engagement, benefits of CCS and hydrogen
  • Regulated asset-based model, balance anticipatory investment, attractive to investors and customers, affordable option for decarbonisation

Ben Morgan, Research Director, University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

  • Maximizing value and levelling up
  • UK supply chain mapping, who can play a vital role in the space, help the UK to scale this industry, Supply chain in terms of value, who is out there and pivot in that space
  • Fit for hydrogen (F4H2) and fit for CCUS (F4CCUS), maximise economic benefit to the UK


  • Support levelling up agenda, we need to scale up technologies and we must scale up quickly – DS
  • We need to meet the pressing obligations today but scale up for the future
  • Green shoring, bring products back to the UK to green shore, low carbon energy to produce the product, can design the product and design in circular economy principles, we are not shipping it round the world
  • Piecing it all together, and sharing knowledge, knowledge charter and knowledge dissemination
  • Knowledge needs to get out to public and communities, bring people along with you, community initiatives or education
  • Exposure to what we are doing, over complicate things, we need to simplify things and make them clear to understand, dialling it down to the benefit of the region
  • Need to help in some of this, enterprise partnership, local advocacy through key members of the community (MPs), other leaders in the area, own the message
  • Need to get to many conversations, region, LA’s, go talk to the communities, national level, education programme, CCS and Hydrogen, it’s not a competition with renewables, we need everything, needs to be on education syllabus.
  • CCUS capability, we have everything in the UK
  • Real benefits of ZCH and ECC: many different facets of Humber region, real opportunity to be world leading. Scale, drive down costs, diversity, showcase low carbon technologies, credibility and ambition to deliver and replicate into other industrial clusters, unique super place, renewables/CCUS/hydrogen/Negative emissions, you have everything
12 Nov
Japan CCS Company “Deploying Japan’s CCUS technology in Asia through Asia CCUS Network”​


  • Aisa region including ASEAN will continuously depend on fossil fuel such as coal and gas power generation and oil for road transport
  • Eventually switch from coal and gas to hydrogen and ammonia
  • CCUS is/will be one of many important options for Asia region to achieve net zero
  • Therefore Asia CCUS Network (CAN) has been established, its vision is to promote CCUS deployment
  • Deployment of CCUS is purely technology orientated matter, thus advanced CCUS technologies being owned by developed countries such as Japan are indispensable
  • In addition to technologies appropriate legal and financial framework will be needed to improve the CCUS business environment
  • Asisa CCUS network website:

Roadmap to 2030 – missions

  1. Promote knowledge sharing
  2. Research studies
  3. Capacity building training
  4. Launch a pilot CCUS project in Asia region until 2025 (CAN to prepare a detailed scope of work for a pilot CCUS project)

Tomakomai Demonstration Project

  • 300,000 tonnes of CO2 injected in 2019
  • CO2 is sourced from gas supply from a refinery
  • The CO2 is piped offshore and stored within the Moebetsu Fm and Takinoue Fm
  • The wells are drilled from onshore to offshore through directional deviated drilling (world’s first deviated drilling for CCUS)
  • CO2 has been monitored with no seismic events attributed to CO2 injection so far and no seepage so far
  • cO2 ship transportation is in next project stage in 2024 (world’s first ship transport of CCS) into tomakomai – this will help overcome long distance transport between source and storage sites that are far apart
  • Shipping more cost effective for Japan than overland transport – demonstration shipping project will carry 1000 tonnes with aim to increase

“Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a necessity, not an option, for reaching net-zero emissions”

Climate Change Committee, UK

“Without CCUS "our energy and climate goals will become virtually impossible to reach"”

Fatih Birol, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency

“We have to reduce emissions urgently and take action to tackle the carbon already in the atmosphere. Putting a value on carbon thus making carbon capture solutions more economical is therefore absolutely critical.”

The Prince of Wales

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