The direction is clear with ambitious 2030 targets and climate-neutrality by 2050. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon removal technologies are needed for Europe to reach these targets, enabling industrial decarbonisation, contributing to economic growth, sustaining current jobs and creating new ones. In recent months we have seen many positive announcements for cooperation on cross-border CO2 infrastructure, the basis for CCS in Europe and vital to achieve the climate objectives.
The webinar will take place on Zoom. If you are interested in joining this webinar, register here.
In this webinar, we will tackle questions such as:
With the following experts:
The event will be moderated by Per-Olof Granström, Secretary General, Zero Emissions Platform and EU Director at CCSA.
Note: This webinar is organised jointly with the Zero Emissions Platform.
This webinar will take place on Thursday 9th March, 14.00 – 15.30 GMT.
Register here