
PPP Webinar: International approaches to carbon capture and carbon removals

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Following the first session of PPPs report on Carbon Management that looked at the UK approach to carbon management, the next session will be focusing on international approaches to carbon capture and carbon removal.

Representatives from United States, South Korea and Australia will give evidence to the PPP Commissioners in an open-session webinar at first, followed by a private discussion, under Chatham House rule. They will touch on how carbon capture and carbon removal infrastructure and technologies are progressing in their countries while also looking at barriers and issues they face. The objective of this session is to discuss and share common solutions to problems that they all face.

In addition to listening to experiences from different countries, this session will also seek to answer the following questions:

  • What can the UK experience in Carbon Capture Usage and Storage offer other countries such as the US and Europe?
  • What can the UK learn from the experience of other countries abroad?
  • How can CCUS and DAC projects internationally better cooperate among themselves?


  • Rt Hon Chris Skidmore, Chair, Research Director, Public Policy Projects
  • Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, US Department of Energy.
  • South Korea representative – TBA
  • Australia representative – TBA

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