
Testing of open and commercial solvents at Waste-to-Energy plants Webinar

The ACT project NEWEST-CCUS aims to accelerate the development and deployment of CO2 capture technologies that are tailored for effective operation at Waste-to-Energy  (WtE) plants. In the project, amine solvents were tested at WtE plants and at plants under conditions relevant for WtE. One of the tested solvents was the well-known APBS CDRMax solvent, a proprietary solvent from NEWEST-CCUS project partner Carbon Clean. The webinar will address the execution of the campaigns, the results that were obtained and discuss the performance of the tested solvents.

Chair: Peter van Os, TNO


  • 13:30 Welcome, project and WP4 overview – Peter van Os, TNO
  • 13:35 Solvent testing at an industrial WtE facility – Eirini Skylogianni, TNO
  • 13:50 Tests in TERC facility – Muhammad Akram, University of Sheffield
  • 14:05 A Technology Provider’s View of the CCUS Landscape in WtE – Thomas Yelland, Carbon Clean
  • 14:20 Q&A Session and Wrap-up
  • 14:30 End

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