7CO2: The Severnside Carbon Capture and Shipping Hub Ltd is a CCS hub with the objective, enshrined in its Articles, of helping regional decarbonisation through the development of the common infrastructure necessary for Non Pipeline Transport of CO2 captured by regional emitters in the South West of the UK.
It will be the regional CCS hub for onward shipment of CO2 to geological storage and will work with local public and private sector businesses to decarbonise the wider cluster through the use of CCS, hydrogen, ‘efuels’ and green heat and power that the introduction of CCS at the hub will enable.
It will store and ship both locally captured CO2, piped to Bristol Port from large local emitters, and CO2 railed to 7CO2 from regional emitters.
7CO2 itself will develop the pipelines to local emitters, liquefaction, CO2 storage and railhead facilities to collect, store and load CO2, together with the ship loading capability at Bristol Port.
In aggregate, 7CO2 has the potential to capture over 8MTCO2pa from regional emitters for onward shipment. It already has MOUs in place with a large number of emitters who have the intention of installing CCS plant.
A high percentage of the CO2 that will be processed by 7CO2 will be biogenic, coming from energy from waste plants. Together with 7CO2’s land options and abundant regional power, 7CO2 has the potential to help develop ‘efuels’ at scale, including hydrogen, emethanol and SAF to increase investment in, and decarbonisation of, the region.