Pivotal role of CCUS technology in the net zero transition highlighted in new publication


Archive for the ‘CCSA News’ Category

Pivotal role of CCUS technology in the net zero transition highlighted in new publication

Posted on: August 23rd, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 23 August 2024] – The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) has today published CCUS Voices. This publication brings together experts from across the Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) value chain, who have provided their independent insights into the forward-looking opportunities for the industry.

Drawing on expertise in areas such as power and industrial decarbonisation, innovation and skills, CO2 transport and storage, carbon markets, governance, sustainability and public perception, these Voices set out their ambitions for the delivery of a new CCUS industry at pace across the UK and EU.

The deployment of the world’s first large-scale CCUS clusters in the UK will be instrumental in achieving net zero ambitions and driving sustainable industrial growth, and will provide learnings to other countries with ambitious CCUS plans.

As CCUS transitions from concept to large-scale reality, the perspectives set out in CCUS Voices from thought leaders in industry, academia, and policy, offer an in-depth analysis of the challenges as well as the important opportunities ahead.

These experts have put forward recommendations on the immediate actions needed to advance CCUS. This includes establishing clear policy direction and expansion plans for CCUS clusters, reforming planning and permitting systems to accelerate project timelines, and implementing supportive revenue models to drive private sector investment.

These CCUS Voices have shared their long-term vision for the use of CCUS to meet ambitious climate goals, secure a sustainable future for heavy industries and produce clean power that will help deliver energy security.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the CCSA said:

“The UK CCUS industry has come a long way in recent years and is now poised ready to deploy the first two CCUS clusters. I have been encouraged by the level of innovation, insight and expertise in the industry, as well as the ambition to drive forward projects to create the low carbon economy.”

“These experts have provided their perspectives on the future opportunities that the industry can unlock, as well as what is needed to further develop the industry from both the Government and through industry lead initiatives, in order to navigate the next set of challenges and seize the global opportunities.”

Tom Glover, Chair, CCSA, and UK Country Chair, RWE:

“I am excited to be part of the UK’s CCS journey and to see the role it will play in shoring up vital energy security and resilience, whilst driving a global transition to a sustainable future. As UK Country Chair at RWE, we recognise our responsibility. We’re committed to the net zero transition to support the UK’s decarbonisation targets whilst maintaining security of supply.”

Notes to Editors

The full report is available here.

Interview requests
For interview request to CCUS Voices contributions, please contact press@ccsassociation.org

About the CCSA

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables industrial decarbonisation as well as the production of clean power, clean products (such as cement and chemicals) and clean hydrogen – which can also be used to decarbonise industry. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 120 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users in the power, industry, waste management, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please email press@ccsassociation.org

CCSA publishes Supply Chain Initial Forecast Report

Posted on: July 31st, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 31 July 2024] – Today, the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) published their ‘Supply Chain Initial Forecast Report’. This report sets out key trends and opportunities in the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) supply chain across six commitment areas: transparency, skills, jobs, UK content, technology, and wider economic benefits.

The findings in the report were developed by engaging with nine Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project developers over a six-month period to analyse the commitments and aspirations across 11 individual CCS projects that are deploying over the next few years.

The report finds that the development of a competitive, UK-based supply chain needs certainty of future carbon capture projects. Through understanding the pipeline of projects across power CCS, hydrogen production, Greenhouse Gas Removals and industrial decarbonisation, UK supply chains can invest and grow to meet demand needs.

Importantly, the industry is committed to rolling out CCUS across the UK, with a strong ambition towards the advancement the robust UK-based supply chains and wider economic and social benefits; including local jobs, investment in skills and technology, and projects which put community benefit at the heart of their deployment plans.

To realise the six key recommendations in the report, collaborative work across the whole CCUS industry, trade associations, Government, and wider stakeholders is needed. The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Deliver the first round of CCUS projects and commit to future clusters and allocation rounds, to provide confidence to the CCUS sector.
  2. Award GIGA (Green Industries Growth Accelerator) to provide support to the supply chain and maintain the focus on developing local content opportunities across design, manufacturing, fabrication, construction and operation.
  3. Develop a set of Supply Chain Guiding Principles, encompassing transparent and fair procurement, sector development initiatives and good industrial relations, to further embed best practice early in the sector’s development.
  4. Greater coordination of skills development is critical to addressing current and future skills gaps.
  5. Increase supply chain engagement opportunities; including through events, CCUS specific supply chain directories and adjoining programmes such as Fit4CCUS, to ensure the wide variety of opportunities on offer are clearly communicated.
  6. Expand reporting processes to companies that will deliver CCUS projects (including EPCs and Tier-1 contractors) and the wider CCUS supply chain, and iterate deliverable commitments for these sectors.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association, said:

“The findings of this report highlight the critical importance of government providing certainty and commitment to a forward plan of CCUS projects across the UK. CCUS is essential to decarbonise British industry and meet the Government’s clean power target by 2030. By targeting support to deliver the first rounds of CCUS projects, we will develop a home-grown UK-based CCUS supply chain and deliver much greater benefits to UK Plc from the scale up of carbon capture projects. A focus on targeted investment and collaboration across the CCUS industry, Government, skills providers and wider industry stakeholders will be important in order achieve the report’s recommendations, and deliver on the voluntary industry target of 50% UK content by 2030 in manufacturing, goods, and services.”

Notes to Editors

Supply Chain Initial Forecast Report

To read the full report, see HERE. For the Executive Summary, see HERE.

About the CCSA

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables industrial decarbonisation as well as the production of clean power, clean products (such as cement and chemicals) and clean hydrogen – which can also be used to decarbonise industry. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 120 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users in the power, industry, waste management, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please email press@ccsassociation.org







CCSA co-signs a cross-industry letter: Addressing skilled labour workforce shortages in the UK

Posted on: July 31st, 2024 by ccsaEditor

Today, the CCSA alongside 14 other trade associations, representing diverse production sectors across the UK economy, wrote to Government ministers, devolved administrations and shadow ministers to highlight concerns about ongoing shortages in skilled labour. Particularly trades that are vital to a growing and resilient economy today, as well as for the delivery of the UK’s net zero targets in coming years.

There are several areas where improvements are urgently needed to ensure the long-term competitiveness and resilience of our industries. These include:

  1. Delivery of long-term policy clarity and stability
  2. Establish equal prestige of trades jobs and Vocational Education Training (VET)
  3. Reform of the Apprenticeship Levy
  4. Promote Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  5. Delivery of a fit for purpose immigration system

To unlocking the full potential of the UK workforce and drive sustainable economic growth, it is essential that collaborative collective action across Government, industry and education providers is taken on the above five key areas.

The signatories are:

Read the letter here.

CCSA appoints Olivia Powis as new CEO at pivotal time for the CCUS industry

Posted on: July 30th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 30 July 2024] – Olivia Powis has been appointed the new CEO of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA), succeeding Ruth Herbert, who will be leaving the trade association in September.

Since Ruth joined the CCSA in October 2021, membership has grown from just over 50 to 120 companies across the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) value chain, with the profile of CCUS significantly raised and the first UK clusters on the cusp of deployment. Ruth leaves the trade association to pursue a career in the CCUS sector as the technology moves into implementation.

Following a thorough selection process, the CCSA Board has appointed UK Director, Olivia Powis, as the new CEO, taking up the role from 16 September. Olivia has led the CCSA’s UK policy and external affairs work since 2021, focusing on advocating for the commercial deployment of carbon capture and the development of large-scale integrated CCUS clusters.

Olivia brings to the role over 20 years’ experience in the public sector, focused primarily on energy regulation, infrastructure, and strategy. During her career, Olivia has led on project workstreams at the National Infrastructure Commission, including a review of UK Economic Regulation, and at Ofgem where she led on Strategic Investment and Connections.

With Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) due to be taken in September for the UK’s Track-1 Clusters, and significant growth in CCUS projects in Europe and beyond, Olivia steps into the CCSA CEO role at a critical time.

Olivia Powis, UK Director of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association, said:

“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to take on the role of CEO and lead the CCSA at such a critical and exciting time for the industry. We have made significant progress over the last three years towards deploying carbon capture projects, and I look forward to delivery of the first two clusters in the UK and leading the next phase of the CCSA’s strategy to see the deployment of CCUS across the EU.”

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association, said:

“It’s been an honour to serve the CCUS community for the past three years and I’m proud of the progress we have made in advancing CCUS in Europe. I want to thank the CCSA Board and members for all their support during what has been a pivotal period in the development of the industry. I am looking forward to playing my part in CCUS delivery going forward.”

Tom Glover, Chair of the CCSA Board and UK Country Chair RWE, said: 

“On behalf of the CCSA Board, I would like to thank Ruth for her fantastic achievements whilst being CEO and we look forward to continuing to work with her, and wish her every success in her future career in the CCUS sector.”

“We are delighted to have found such a highly experienced and outstanding successor in Olivia and are looking forward to her further developing the association as the sector continues to expand and moves into delivery.”


Notes to Editors

Olivia Powis Biography

Olivia Powis is currently the UK Director at the Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA), where she works in partnership with the Chief Executive, and CCSA Board on developing the UK strategy and work programme of the association, representing its 120+ members to UK decision-makers.

Olivia joined the CCSA in February 2021 following a public sector and trade association career in energy and infrastructure spanning two decades. Before joining the CCSA, Olivia worked as a Senior Policy Manager at the National Infrastructure Commission where she led on a number of projects workstreams including; a review of UK Economic Regulation and The Role of infrastructure in Housing.

Prior to this, Olivia worked at Ofgem leading workstreams on Strategic Investment, Connections and running a procurement project for a new energy solution in Shetland.  From 2010-2012, Olivia was Account Director at the Madano Partnership leading strategic communications for major energy and infrastructure accounts and she began her career in the Local Government Development Programme – a fast-track stream for local government, before working as London Regional Manager for the National Housing Federation, leading advocacy and European programmes for affordable and sustainable housing.

About the CCSA

 CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables industrial decarbonisation as well as the production of clean power, clean products (such as cement and chemicals) and clean hydrogen – which can also be used to decarbonise industry. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 120 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users in the power, industry, waste management, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please email press@ccsassociation.org


CCSA Welcomes Minister’s Continued Commitment to CCUS

Posted on: July 25th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 25 July 2024] – On Monday 22 July, the Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA) held its annual President’s Reception in the House of Lords, hosted by CCSA President, Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

The event was attended by almost 200 representatives from across the Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS) industry, Members of Parliament and Government. Importantly, Sarah Jones MP, Minister of State for Departments for Energy Security & Net Zero, and Business & Trade, addressed attendees to express her continued support for CCUS and understanding of the need to secure Track-1 Final Investment Decisions as quickly as possible.

The Minister set out that the UK has a significant advantage in CCUS resulting from geological storage potential, world-leading expertise and ambition from both industry and Government to move at pace on the deployment of capture projects.

In the first two weeks of the new Government, important policy decisions have provided investors with confidence that the UK is committed to delivering CCUS and low-carbon energy infrastructure. Key to this has been the creation of the ‘Clean Power Mission Control’, the launch of the ‘National Wealth Fund’ and a clear vision for a supportive legislative landscape in the King’s Speech.

Following significant engagement between the CCSA and the new Government on the five immediate CCUS priorities in the first 100 days of government, the first step in the deployment of the Cluster Programme is within reach. The five priorities are as follows:

  1. Final Investment Decisions for Track-1 CCUS Clusters by September
  2. Project selection for Track-1 expansion and Track-2 clusters
  3. Clarity on revenue support envelope for CCUS
  4. Allocate support to the UK CCUS supply chain from the Green Industries Growth Accelerator
  5. Continued progress on market mechanisms that will reduce direct subsidies and drive widespread deployment

The CCUS industry has been encouraged by the pace of delivery from the new Government to create a low-carbon economy. However, it is important that momentum is maintained if the Government is to maximise the exciting opportunity to establish the world’s first leading large-scale integrated CCUS clusters.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the CCSA said:

“It’s been an absolute honour leading the CCUS industry through another year. We are stronger than ever and ready to deploy CCUS here in the UK, hopefully within weeks rather than months from now.”

 “What makes all of the work the CCSA does worthwhile is being able to see CCUS becoming a reality. The UK is at a pivotal moment in its CCUS journey, with £30bn of private capital ready to invest before 2030 if the conditions are right.”

 “Minister Jones’ commitment to delivering CCUS is very much welcome. After a busy first few weeks in office, we look forward to the Government securing final investment decisions on the first two clusters in September – a vital first step towards achieving the government’s Net Zero power and industrial decarbonisation objectives.”

 Minister for Industry Decarbonisation Sarah Jones said:

 “The Prime Minister has been loud and clear that clean energy by 2030 is a vital part of our mission for growth.”

 “And carbon capture, along with low-carbon hydrogen, will be critical to its success.”

 “We are absolutely committed to developing the UK carbon capture industry and we’re aiming to take final investment decisions on the first projects this year.”

Notes to Editors

 CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables industrial decarbonisation as well as the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can also be used to decarbonise industry. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users in the power, industry, waste management, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please contact Joe Butler-Trewin on 07908 141 067/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org


CCSA welcomes GB Energy and Crown Estate Partnership and urges the Government to go further on carbon capture plans

Posted on: July 25th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 25 July 2024] – The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) welcomes the GB Energy/Crown Estate partnership and urges the Government to provide clarity on carbon capture investment plans.

Today’s announcement that GB Energy and The Crown Estate are partnering to invest in clean power is another important step by the Government towards the UK meeting climate targets.

The Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) industry now needs to understand from the Government details around the commitment to invest in carbon capture and storage, and hydrogen.

Over the past three years, there has been important progress to develop the world’s first large-scale integrated CCUS clusters in the UK, with significant amounts of private capital invested in projects. With £1 billion promised from the National Wealth Fund to accelerate the deployment of CCUS and the Government confirming support for the Cluster Sequencing Programme, the industry is seeking clarity on the operation and function of GB Energy in relation to the deployment of CCUS, hydrogen production and creation of robust supply chains.

With Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) due to be taken in September for Track-1 Clusters, and further clarity required on project selection and next steps for Track-1 Expansion and Track-2 clusters, any additional investment from GB Energy should be used to accelerate infrastructure investment beyond current plans.

The Government has an exciting opportunity to position the UK as a global leader in carbon capture technology and it is vitally important that investment speeds up the deployment of UK clusters, by focusing on providing additionality in areas such as supply chain and investment in UK ports to safeguard investor confidence.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the Carbon Capture and Storage Association has said:

 “We look forward to seeing GB Energy invest alongside the private sector in shared strategic energy infrastructure where there are long term benefits for the economy, but it is difficult for the private sector to do alone.”

“UK ports and local supply chains could benefit from this kind of partnership. Public sector capital should be used where it can reduce risk and bring down the cost of private capital, enabling industry to develop and operate infrastructure that is fit to serve a low carbon economy and the net zero industries of the future.”


Notes to Editors

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables industrial decarbonisation as well as the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can also be used to decarbonise industry. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users in the power, industry, waste management, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please contact Joe Butler-Trewin on 07908 141 067/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org


CCUS priorities in first 100 days of the new government

Posted on: July 23rd, 2024 by ccsaEditor

The Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA), the leading association accelerating the development and deployment of CCUS, recommends five immediate steps that the Government needs to take in their first 100 days in office to ensure the successful development of CCUS in the UK.

The five immediate steps are:

  1. Secure Final Investment Decisions (FIDs) for Track-1 Clusters in the Cluster Sequencing Programme by September
  2. Publish a delivery roadmap for Track-1 expansion and Track-2 clusters
  3. Clarity on revenue support envelopes
  4. Allocate Green Industries Growth Accelerator (GIGA) to the supply chain
  5. Continue to make progress on market mechanisms that will reduce direct subsidies and drive widespread deployment

By undertaking the above five steps in the first 100 days of Government, the UK can achieve first mover advantage in the global CCUS race, create a new industry, decarbonise British businesses, protect and create jobs, and attract inward investment.

Download the full CCUS priorities in the first 100 days of the new government document here.

CCSA Responds to Climate Change Committee Report and Urges Acceleration of CCUS

Posted on: July 18th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 18 July 2024] – The Climate Change Committee’s (CCC) latest report on progress in reducing emissions has highlighted that only a third of emissions reductions are currently covered by credible plans, putting the 2030 target at risk.


The CCSA, the lead trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage (CCUS) across the UK and Europe, has been working to ensure that emissions are reduced through utilising carbon capture and hydrogen to decarbonise British industry.


The CCC’s report outlines that rapid progress is needed in areas beyond electricity. It sets out ten priority recommendations, including reversing recent policy rollbacks, finalising business models for large-scale deployment of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) for power, and publishing a strategy to support skills development. These recommendations are important for the long-term success of the CCUS industry.


The report also highlights that rapid initial deployment and scale-up of CCUS technologies are critical, and delays in finalising business models for industrial carbon capture pose significant risks to achieving targets. The CCC emphasises the necessity of accelerated action in deploying CCUS to meet the ambitious goals outlined in the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan, which includes at least 5 MtCO2 of engineered removals by 2030.


The CCSA aligns with the CCC’s call for urgent action and emphasises the role of CCUS in achieving net zero goals. CCUS is a key low carbon solution. It is vital to enabling the production of clean power, low carbon products (including cement and chemicals), and low carbon hydrogen to decarbonise heating and transport, as well as greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or BECCS.


The CCSA remains committed to working with the Government and other stakeholders to accelerate the deployment of CCUS, ensuring the UK can meet its climate targets and secure a sustainable future.


Olivia Powis, UK Director of the Carbon Capture & Storage Association, said:


“The Climate Change Committee’s report is a stark reminder of the urgent action needed to stay on track for the UK’s 2030 emissions reduction target. In order to meet targets and ensure the UK’s leadership in the development of green technology, we must leverage all available solutions, including the essential role of CCUS.


“If we are to remain on track to reduce emissions in 2030 by 68% compared to 1990 levels, the Cluster Sequencing Programme must be progressed at pace and the Government must take Final Investment Decisions for Track-1 Clusters in September and urgently set out the next steps for Track-1 expansion and Track-2 clusters.”



“As the Committee has identified, the delays to the publication of business model updates for Power BECCS and GGRs now pose a significant risk. This, coupled with delays to the finalisation of business models for industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) jeopardises the ability for CCUS to be deployed and scaled up at the pace required in the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan.”


“We stand at a critical juncture where the rollout of CCUS is crucial to meet Carbon Budget 6 and the Government’s mission of achieving clean power by 2030.”



Notes to Editors


CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can then be used to decarbonise heating and transport. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users such as power, industry, waste, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please contact Joe Butler-Trewin on 07908 141 067/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org


CCSA welcomes low carbon priorities in King’s Speech

Posted on: July 17th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

17 July 2024, London – The Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA) welcomes important legislation in the King’s Speech that enables progress on deploying carbon capture and storage projects across the UK; helping to support a low carbon economy and fostering economic growth.

The introduction of Bills to establish GB Energy, set up the National Wealth Fund (which has already committed £1bn to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture projects), future-proof The Crown Estate, and enact reforms to planning and skills, are all important to the development of the UK Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) industry.

The development of GB Energy, one of the Labour Party’s flagship election promises, is key in supporting the development of low-carbon energy technologies, including CCUS and low carbon hydrogen.

Reforms to The Crown Estate and planning system, the creation of a new skills body – ‘Skills England’ – and the announcement of funding support for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel industry, will ensure we have the right planning framework in place for a successful CCUS industry. This will provide investors with confidence that the UK is a safe place to invest and do business.

Since being elected, important policy decisions from the new Government have bolstered investor confidence in the UK’s low-carbon energy infrastructure. With the legislative agenda for the next Parliamentary session clearly focused on energy security and growth, the Government has an exciting opportunity to decarbonise British industry through delivering low-carbon infrastructure projects, including CCUS and hydrogen production.

The CCUS industry is on the cusp of deploying these projects at scale across industrial heartlands, and accelerating the Programme could secure almost £30bn in private sector investment by 2030, deliver 70,000 new jobs and protect 77,000 more in existing carbon-intensive industries.

Key legislation:

The CCSA is urging the Government to maintain momentum on the CCUS Cluster Sequencing Programme to ensure the UK remains a global leader in this vital technology.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the CCSA said:

“The King’s Speech is a key indicator of the Government’s priorities, and we are pleased to see low carbon energy and the net zero economy at the heart of its legislative agenda.

“This is an ambitious program of legislation, and we look forward to working with the Government and MPs from across Parliament to ensure that these important bills are brought into law and support the UK’s journey to a clean, fit-for-the-future energy system that creates jobs and grows our economy.”

“With the Prime Minister stating that he wants to take the brakes off Britain, we need to see this ambition applied to CCUS projects, where there is up to £30bn of private investment waiting to be deployed across the UK’s industrial regions. The Government has a window of opportunity to secure Final Investment Decisions on Track-1 CCUS clusters in the North-West and North-East of England by September – infrastructure that will deliver industrial decarbonisation, clean hydrogen and flexible low carbon power.  We have a very exciting opportunity here in the UK to deliver the world’s first large scale integrated CCUS clusters. With investors watching closely, it is vital that these projects are given the go-ahead immediately”

“The industry also needs clarity on project selection for the expansion of the first two clusters and the development of Track-2 clusters in Scotland and South Humber. This will enable employers that need CCUS operational by 2030 to continue with their planned investments, securing jobs and economic growth where it is most needed.”


Notes to Editors

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can then be used to decarbonise heating and transport. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users such as power, industry, waste, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

For media enquiries please contact Joe Butler-Trewin on 07908 141 067/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org


CCSA welcomes the creation of ‘Mission Control’ for clean power

Posted on: July 10th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 10 July 2024] – The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) has welcomed the appointment of Chris Stark to head the Government’s new ‘Mission Control’ team, tasked with delivering clean power by 2030 by “breaking down barriers and accelerating progress on energy projects”.

The Mission Control for Clean Power will focus on four key strands of activity:
• Setting and tracking the overall approach to delivering 2030 across the energy system
• Real-time monitoring of progress on UK infrastructure projects critical to 2030
• Acting as an innovation centre by encouraging discussion among experts
• Serving as a convener for the Mission Control approach across government and with industry

The body will be led by Chris Stark, the former Chief Executive of the Climate Change Committee (CCC). Stark will bring together a team of industry experts and government officials as part of ‘Mission Control’ to troubleshoot, negotiate and clear the way for energy projects with “laser focus.”

Mission Control is set to will work with energy companies, the regulator (Ofgem), National Grid and the Energy System Operator to identify and remove obstacles in the delivery of the clean energy mission.

To make the UK a clean energy superpower, carbon capture and storage has a key role to play. The rollout of power carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) is important for the development of the future energy system. It provides low carbon power generation, enabling more renewables on the system, enhancing energy security.

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive of the CCSA, said:

“This decision demonstrates that the Government understands the urgency needed to deliver net zero at pace.”

“Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an essential component of any pathway to net zero power by 2030. We want to see the laser-focus of the mission control applied to the delivery of CCUS Clusters, which are essential to reduce our power and industrial emissions, support jobs and grow our economy.

“Chris Stark is the right person for the job and has a wealth of experience on climate and energy, and understands the urgency required from his time at the CCC – we very much look forward to working closely with him to accelerate the pace on CCUS.

Olivia Powis, UK Director of the CCSA, said:

“The energy sector is at the heart of the UK’s transition to net zero emissions, and we welcome this strong signal from the Government that it is taking the responsibility of delivering projects seriously.

“We look forward to working with Chris and his team as we make progress in deploying CCUS projects. One of the first priorities for Mission Control should be supporting the signing of Final Investment Decisions for Track-1 CCUS clusters in the North West and North East, which will deliver 860MW of flexible low carbon power and over 850MW of low carbon hydrogen production by 2030”.

Notes to Editors

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can then be used to decarbonise heating and transport. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).
The CCSA is the trade association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS, with offices in the UK and Belgium. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations. 
The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture and removals, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, end-users such as power, industry, waste, fuels, and hydrogen production sectors, plus supply chain, engineering, construction and management, legal and financial consulting sectors. 
For media enquiries please contact Joe Butler-Trewin on 07908 141 067/ joe.butler-trewin@ccsassociation.org
