EMBARGOED TO 00.01 WEDNESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2020, London – The Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA), the trade body for the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) industry in the UK, welcomes the release of the Climate Change Committee’s advice to Government on the Sixth Carbon Budget.
The report “The Sixth Carbon Budget – The UK’s path to Net Zero”, sets out the world’s first route map for a fully decarbonised nation. The report includes an upward revision to the amount of CCUS that will be required by 2030 to enable the UK to meet its statutory net zero target.
Luke Warren, Chief Executive of the CCSA, said:
“Today’s advice from the Climate Change Committee is clear – to deliver net zero across the UK economy, we need to be moving further and faster with emissions reductions from Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage.
The Committee recommends an increase to the amount of CCUS that the UK must deploy in the next decade. The CCUS industry should now be aiming to store over 20 MtCO2 every year by 2030. This requires the UK to develop CCUS clusters in all of our industrial regions.
Industry is ready to deliver this ambition and is actively progressing work on the CCUS clusters, helping the UK to demonstrate to the world its commitment to tackling climate change whilst ensuring a green post-Covid recovery”.
Notes to Editors
For media enquiries please contact Judith Shapiro on 07719763133 or email judith.shapiro@ccsassociation.org
To find out more about the Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA) please visit the CCSA website at http://www.ccsassociation.org/.
CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can then be used to decarbonise heating and transport. In addition, CCUS can be combined with sustainable bioenergy to deliver negative emissions.
The UK is fortunate to have advanced CCUS project proposals in all of the major industrial regions; including Humber, Teesside, Merseyside, Scotland and South Wales. These projects demonstrate the breadth of applications and industries for which CCUS provides a vital net zero solution.
If you would like more information on CCUS please get in touch using the above details.