Recent CCSA publications


Archive for April, 2024

Recent CCSA publications

Posted on: April 30th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

Download the CCSA’s Member Services Leaflet

Download the CCSA’s recent publications below:

Green Jobs Delivery Group – CCS Task and Finish Group: Findings and recommendations of the group

CCSA EU Manifesto 2024-2029: CCUS paving the way to a Net Zero Europe

CCSA Spring Budget Submission Report 2024

Delivering opportunity and green growth in our industrial communities: A manifesto for the United Kingdom from the CCSA

CCSA CCUS Delivery Plan Update 2023 – full report & executive summary

CCSA CCUS Supply Chain Good Practice Guidance Document – full report & executive summary

CCSA Workforce & Skills Position Paper – full report & executive summary

Carbon Clean achieves fabrication milestone on FlagshipONE with the project’s first carbon capture unit module

Posted on: April 30th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

The CCSA, bp, ECITB, and CATCH Unveil New Report on Green Jobs and Carbon Capture & Storage

Posted on: April 22nd, 2024 by ccsaEditor

[London, 22nd April 2024] – Today, the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Task and Finish Group (T&FG), comprising of the Carbon Capture & Storage Association (CCSA), bp, and the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB), announced the publication of their joint report, “Green Jobs Delivery Group – CCS Task and Finish Group, findings and recommendations of the group”. The report, announced at the CATCH training centre, in Stallingborough, signifies a significant milestone in shaping the future of green jobs in the UK. It will provide vital insights and recommendations to address critical skills gaps and opportunities in the CCS sector.

The report sets out the findings and conclusions from the extensive work of the CCS T&FG. It serves to inform the government’s Green Jobs Action Plan while enabling the CCS sector to navigate skills challenges and opportunities effectively. Focussed primarily on the transport and storage aspects of the CCS sector, the report provides key insights from comprehensive sector-wide inputs between mid-2023 and early 2024.

It highlights that CCS can play a pivotal role in industrial decarbonisation, particularly in unlocking opportunities in blue hydrogen production and in the safeguarding of existing heavy industries and deliver a significant contribution to the future of the UK economy. It also notes that the sector offers opportunities for a transitioning workforce and for international collaboration.

An in-depth labour market analysis revealed the projected workforce demand for CCS transport and storage roles from 2023-2030. Projections show potential peaks of up to 3,000 direct roles in a single year by 2030, with broader direct CCS sector roles peaking at up to 15,000 in a single year during the same period. The report underscores the urgency of addressing skills shortages to ensure the successful deployment of CCS projects.

The analysis also identified critical ‘pinch points’ in occupational demand – including across welding, pipefitting, and geosciences – highlighting challenges such as overlapping skill requirements with other sectors, aging labour profiles, and workforce diversity concerns. The report emphasises the importance of addressing skills shortages to maximise the accessibility of these role to local workforce, avoid inflation of labour costs and maintain the sector’s competitiveness.

The report proposes three key sets of actions to address skills challenges effectively:

• Continued and increasingly galvanised industry investment in skills development initiatives, including STEM outreach, apprenticeship programmes, and vocational training.
• Enhanced place-based coordination of skills activities within CCS clusters, supported by wider cross-government policies to drive CCS deployment.
• Sustained government support and investment in CCS policy to provide certainty for job creation and skill development.

Olivia Powis, UK Director at the CCSA, said:

“The findings of this report highlight the critical importance of urgent and targeted interventions to tackle skills shortages and promote workforce development in the CCS sector. By aligning industry initiatives with government policies, we can collaboratively address challenges and opportunities in CCS deployment, driving economic growth and achieving net zero ambitions while fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.”

Andy Lane, VP of Hydrogen and CCUS for the UK, and Chair of The CCS Task and Finish Group said:

“CCS will play a vital role in the UK’s net zero transition plans and could make a substantial contribution to the future of the UK economy. To deliver on that potential it will need the combined efforts of Government, industry, skills bodies, unions and others to help the UK build the skills the sector needs to thrive. This report is a great example of that collaboration in action and is another important step for the future of the sector.”

Andrew Hockey, CEO of the ECITB said:

“Collaboration among diverse stakeholders is the cornerstone of progress. It was a privilege for the ECITB to contribute towards the joint endeavour of producing this report which highlights the fusion of expertise from our respective organisations and emphasises the importance of skills development in driving forwards our collective journey towards a greener and more resilient economy. Increased investment from both industry and government in developing skills initiatives and vocational training will bolster our ability to integrate CCS technologies into our industrial and energy sectors. This will enable us to bridge the gap between our current reliance on fossil fuels and a future where we can sustain energy security through renewable sources.”

David Talbot, CEO CATCH said:

“CATCH was delighted to host the unveiling of the new Green Jobs and Carbon Capture & Storage report. Standing at the forefront of the transformation, CATCH aim to deliver 1000 new entrants to industry per year by 2029, with our vision for a new National Net Zero Training Centre. This initiative is a direct response to the urgent need highlighted in recent labour market analysis, which forecasts a significant increase in workforce demand across industrial clusters by 2030. The new centre, backed by CCS industries, is designed to address critical ‘pinch points’ in demand for welding & pipefitting skills, ensuring learners are well-prepared to contribute to the sector’s growth. By focusing on specialised training and development, we are taking a proactive step towards mitigating skill shortages, enhancing workforce diversity, and fostering a competitive edge within the industry.”

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Notes to Editors

The full report is available for download here.

About CCUS

CCUS, or Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, is a key low carbon solution – vital to meeting the UK’s statutory Net Zero target at least cost. CCUS enables the production of clean power, clean products (such as steel and cement) and clean hydrogen – which can then be used to decarbonise heating and transport. In addition, CCUS also enables greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere through Direct Air Capture with Storage (DACS) or Bioenergy with CCS (BECCS).

About the CCSA 

The CCSA is the lead European association accelerating the commercial deployment of CCUS. We work with members, governments, and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.

The CCSA currently has over 100 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, as well as members from management, legal and financial consulting sectors.

To find out more about the Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA) please visit the CCSA website here.

About bp

bp intends to invest up to £18 billion in the UK’s energy system by the end of 2030, demonstrating bp’s firm commitment to the UK, and helping the country to deliver on its bold ambitions to boost energy security and reach net zero. As one of the largest oil and gas producers in the UK, bp intends to continue investing in North Sea oil and gas, while working to drive down operational emissions. bp is also in action on a range of lower carbon energy investments in the UK, which are expected to bring jobs and develop new skills and capabilities. 


The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) is the employer-led skills body for the Engineering Construction Industry in Great Britain.
A non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Education, the ECITB works with employers and government to attract, develop and qualify personnel across a wide range of craft, technical and managerial disciplines.
We invest around £28 million every year to enhance skills across the engineering construction industry, support growth through workforce training, and tackle labour shortages and skills gaps.


CATCH is a leader in adult skills and apprenticeships driven by industrial members, rooted deeply in industry. Established in 1999 to support the £6 billion Humber chemical and process sectors. Our state-of-the-art training centre was launched in 2006, and CATCH Skills quickly followed in 2017. CATCH Apprenticeships was born in 2021, marking a new era of industrial training and development. The CATCH Welding & Pipefitting Hub, launched September 2023, is an employer led project to ensure that our region has the right level of skills to meet the demand not only for existing projects in the process industry sector but to enable the UK to deliver the mega-scale engineering construction projects that industrial decarbonisation of our industry requires.

Driving Climate Action: Insights from the Markets and Mandates Workshop, by Olivia Powis, UK Director, CCSA

Posted on: April 9th, 2024 by ccsaEditor

It’s hard to believe it’s almost 3 months since COP28 and our first Markets and Mandates roundtable in Dubai.  As governments started the new year with fresh vigour, keen to push ahead with carbon management strategies, the CCSA held a further Markets and Mandates workshop, co-organised with Carbon Balance Initiative, Oxford Net Zero and DESNZ in February.

The Markets and Mandates project aims to help bridge the gap between theory and practice in CO2 storage development, in response to a request from the CCUS Council for further policy development on carbon storage mandates. While it has a specific focus on the UK, the implications of the project are expected to have global significance as countries consider policy measures to drive progress in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Representatives from NGOs, academics, government, advisors, and the CCUS industry participated in the workshop, each bringing unique perspectives. What became evident was the diversity of opinions on markets, mandates, and CCS, sparking engaging and insightful discussions. The workshop provided an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of a CO2 storage mandate and assess potential policy scenarios’ efficacy.

Despite enthusiastic participation, not all questions could be addressed due to time constraints. However, the workshop served its purpose by raising more questions than answers, highlighting areas for further investigation and economic modelling.

One key takeaway for me was the lack of confidence among attendees in existing market measures to drive sufficient CCS deployment. Many discussed the potential inclusion of carbon removals or negative emissions in the UK Emissions Trading System (ETS) as a possible approach. However, concerns were raised regarding the timing of reforms and the system’s reliance on political will when it comes to delivering against forecast price trajectories.

Discussions extended to the potential impacts of a Carbon Takeback Obligation (CTBO) and the need to align policies across markets. Meanwhile the journey towards effective CO2 storage development is ongoing and we have to find a way to scale it up – and rapidly.

We may not have found all the answers, but I think the discussion has paved the way for further exploration and collaboration in this area. Stay tuned for the release of the final report in May and DESNZ’s progress thereafter!

If you are interested in reviewing the Markets and Mandates report, or in getting involved in the wider cost reduction work in response to the CCUS Vision, please contact the CCSA’s Research and Projects Manager, Rebecca Bell.

Aker Carbon Capture Announces Agreement to form Joint Venture with SLB

Posted on: April 2nd, 2024 by ccsaEditor